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Olá Portugal,

At our Surf School, we try to fill surf holidays from our guests with different activities. Beyond the surf and beach activities, for those who want to know a bit more about Portuguese language, cuisine and traditions, our partner Christel will help you in this path. Born in Germany, chose to live in Praia da Areia Branca now for more than 30 years. Sharing her passion for welcoming and sharing experiences with foreigners, with her husband Peter, they opened the first Guest House at Praia da Areia Branca in one of the most famous local houses, located on top of the hill over the sea. Casal dos Patos Guest House will make you feel the true vintage holiday atmosphere lived in the beginning of tourism in Praia da Areia Branca. Privileged 360º view to the sea and beach village.


For this season, they decided to open their house to all Ripar guests that want to learn a bit more about Portuguese language and culture. Christel proposes to bring together small groups of students and offer them those experiences. After your surf lessons you are welcome to join these classes, learn simple Portuguese words and popular terms that would be able you to connect and interact with people in shops, cafes and start understanding a bit more of our culture, tastes and habits.


Classes will take place at the Guest House living room, at least about 1 hour. Learn Portuguese may seem difficult, but Christel will start with simples words and phrases and our main goal is that you would be able to connect with Portuguese people more easily, understand and be understood. To reach our goal, Christel plans to take the group for practical classes. Simply going to local cafés or markets and practice those simple words asking for your favourite goods. You will be able to understand how Portuguese people are kind and easy talking.


Best way to know the greatest places and meet the right people is with Christel classes. Embrace this holiday adventure with Christel and let yourself be passion about Portugal as Christel became a long time ago.         

Christel Ruppert Hahn







Mobile: 00351 910 693 559

© 2018 Ripar Surf School - Portugal


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